743 4 07/25/2024

1. correct
2. I want a tab in the master control tools that has the following roles that require special assignment and overrides everything else:
Matrimonio Presidente Nacional
Asesor Espiritual Nacional
Matrimonio Director 1
Matrimonio Director 2
Matrimonio Director 3
Matrimonio Director 4
Matrimonio Director 5

These are the people that I want to add their names and give them the title and control it.

These people need to approve the change. They are the only ones that will (IN THE FUTURE) have access to the bug tool. We need a button that says approve as a team. Once, we approve you get the email and task to start work including clarifications of what is being asked to do.

3. correct.
4. Yes we want to confirm that it is done.
We also want a time stamp when it went live.
Also, would like a report with the title of the work, date that it got approved, date that got confirmed, date when it goes live.
5. don't understand what that is.

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